Playitas Healthy Food
Enjoy Playitas

Healthy Food

A light and healthy diet is a vital part of an active wellness vacation. After a day of sport and relaxation, what your body needs most is food high in protein and low in carbohydrates — which is exactly what you will find at the buffet in our special Healthy Food area. 

Eat to nourish your body!

More vitamins and bio-active ingredients, less fat and high-quality proteins — this is the Playitas Healthy Food concept.

Our tasty low-carb dishes indulge heart and mind, while providing your body with precisely what it needs:


Vitamins for a strong immune system and healthy nerve system, minerals to strengthen teeth and bones, and protein to supply tissue and cells.


Our chefs avoid excessive fat, as low-fat dishes are not only healthier but easier to digest too, promoting a general sense of well-being.



We always offer a selection of gluten free, lactose free and vegan products at our buffet, and these change every day.

The food is labelled accordingly with symbols to inform about ingredients.

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